Friday, September 25, 2009

EDRG 3344 T/R My Precious as Gold memory

Hello Everyone Happy Friday!

The memory I would like to share is my precious as gold memory, which was my wedding day which was also my nephew's 7th birthday which we were so blessed about as well.

I woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning with rollers in my hair from the night before, and I remember feeling excited and nervous at the same time. My mom helped me with my wedding dress and makeup, and I can still remember how tight my hair felt pinned up, but it had to hold up for my big day, I had tons of hairspray and bobby pins to keep it up. As I was finishing getting dressed I remember calling my husband at that time he was of course my fiancé and he sounded so calm and he made me feel calm after speaking with him.

Our photographer came to take pictures of us at home and as we were leaving. Till this day I am so grateful we hired a photographer for our wedding. To go back and see pictures from that day are so awesome, and they are a blessing.

A white limo picked us up and dropped us off at the church. As I walked in I went into the bridal room to pamper myself up again and my mother, and my maid of honor were there to keep me calm. As they left I remember waiting there to get ready to go to the entrance of the church doors and I took a moment to thank God for this day, and for my husband, and I said a prayer.

Finally the church coordinator gave me the okay to start walking towards her, and as I approached her the water works started to come down, I was so happy and when my special day was about to begin this was the day I waited for my entire life and I had the perfect man waiting for me at the alter. My ushers opened the door and then the music started. Our song came on from Brian McKnight “Love of my Life” and that was the song I walked down the aisle too. It was the perfect song. As I walked down the aisle I remember looking at my husband and he did have watery eyes as well. It was a special moment that I will never forget. I also remember smiling at all my guests that came to the church ceremony and feeling so grateful they were there to share this moment with my husband and I. My dad gave me away and I was so happy to be up there with my husband and our pastor, who gave a beautiful ceremony. After the precious vows were said and our wedding bands were blessed, we had a slide show played for our guests. The slide show showed pictures of my husband and I as children and then when we met to current. When the show was done there wasn’t a dry eye in the crowd.

One moment I will never forget is when our pastor was having us repeat our wedding vows and when it was time for our “I Do’s” when it was my husband’s turn he said “I Do” too soon, and our guests started laughing, it was so funny, we were ready to get married and we were ready to be together for the rest of our lives.

My wedding was one of my precious gold memories, being blessed with my husband and be able to spend the rest of my life with him, is so amazing, and I thank God for our marriage everyday. I know I will continue to have precious as gold memories in the future and I pray my husband and I can experience those together on our journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read one of my most precious as gold memory.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

R= Diva

A= Young women

F= Letter

T= Your inner Diva

Dear Young Woman all around the world,

This is Diva speaking, and I wanted to tell each and every one of you that you are a Queen Diva! No matter how many broken hearts you may have in your lifetime know that you are worthy of the best, and that your perfect soul mate is out there. When you find your perfect man let him treat you as a Diva, let him bless you with gifts and love, because you are his women, and he should take care of you to the best. Always remember a Diva is loving, caring, supportive, helpful to others, and tries to be the best mom, wife, daughter, she can be. Become powerful and don’t ever forget that beauty comes from the inside. Young women always carry yourself well, and stay classy. One last reminder I wanted to share with you please spread your Diva love around and support the women in your life, bring back sisterhood, and friendships. Young women dream big, and don’t let anyone bring you down or ever still your joy. Your dreams can come true! Young women don’t ever forget you deserve the best and always love and respect yourself. We will meet again ladies, always remember your inner Diva loves you.

With Love Always,

Your Diva

Friday, September 11, 2009

EDRG 3344 T/R My Dream Vacation

Everyone deserves to take their dream vacation. My husband and I were anticipating this vacation for a very long time. We were very disciplined and we saved just the right amount of money to take our dream vacation. Our dream vacation was to a relaxing island in the Bahamas. Our island had the perfect beach house, with servers who would make us delicious dinners every night. When dinner was done we would have our evening body massages in the most perfect area, right on the beach, where at this very moment I can still hear the waves. We also had an adventurous side and we went snorkeling and surfing, and I am happy to say we can check off all these exciting moments from our bucket list.

When we arrived on our island I remember looking at my husband and we both had huge smiles on our face. We were so happy to be there, and enjoying this moment together. The water was clear, and it was the most beautiful aqua color. The sands were so clean, and our beach house was perfect. The interior of our beach house was designed with seashells decor and wick furniture. It was a very relaxing environment.

As soon as we arrived we changed into our swimwear and went straight to the beach. We put our snorkeling equipment on and jumped right in. The beauty of the ocean floor and its environment from the fish to the coral reef were breathtaking. The colors were so amazing, the fish tickled us as they swam next to us. The next day my husband and I attempted to surf, and I say attempted because we were not very successful. But we still had a blast.

We were there for two nights, and each afternoon we had the most incredible cooks come to our island and cook us delicious lobsters. We sat at our table located on the patio from our beach house and we enjoyed our great dinner. Looking out at the ocean and looking at my husband, I just thanked God for that moment. I was so blessed to be able to have this moment with the love of my life.

After every dinner we had the best body massages, which were given to us on the beach under a canopy. Being able to relax and let out all your stress was great for my husband and I. When we were on vacation and we didn’t think twice about money and how much everything was going to cost, because we had saved for a very long time, and it was worth every penny. We had the stone body massages and I can definitely say I will get another body massage, it is so great for relaxation.

This had to have been our best vacation ever, my husband and I will never forget the time we had. I encourage everyone to take their dream vacation because life is too short, and we need to make the best of each day. We were so happy to get away from our daily schedule and do something different, and that was to take our dream vacation.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my dream vacation, have a great weekend.


Iris Garcia

EDRG 3344 T/R Explain Writing Process

Good evening everyone! Hope everyone is having a great Friday so far.

Writing is a process, which consists of five stages. The first stage is pre-writing which I believe is the most important stage, because this is where you brainstorm, and can use a graphic organizer to think of the ideas and events to discuss in your paper. With pre-writing we can meet with our students and use this strategy to help them start their writing process. The second stage is drafting and this can consist of a rough draft, and it could also look like an outline. The third stage is revising and this stage consists of making any additions, or deletions. Revising helps to focus on sentence structure, and at this stage we can look for adjectives, and where we can possible elaborate, and change sentence structure if needed. The fourth stage is editing and at this stage can help us look for grammar errors. Although revising and editing seem similar I am definitely going to try to keep these two stages separate. Revising will help me focus more on the sentence structure and checking to see if I need to elaborate, where as the editing process I can only focus on grammar errors. Finally the fifth stage is publishing, and at this stage we take action with our writing, whether we publish it, send it out, give to our students, or to faculty members, with the final stage we take action.

Thanks everybody, have a great weekend.

Thank you,

Iris Garcia

EDRG 3344 T/R What are some examples of Pre/During/Post strategies? How do these strategies help students?

Friday, September 4, 2009

EDRG 3344 T/R What are some examples of Pre/During/Post strategies? How do these strategies help students?

Good Evening everyone, Happy Friday!

I truly hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend so far.

This is a great topic to discuss, because we have so many multiple resources we can utilize to make from just reading a book to actually allowing our students to completely understand the book we are reading to them. Most importantly it is crucial that our students understand what type of book their reading.

I would begin with introducing the title of the book to my students. My first goal is to grab my students attention hopefully the characters in the book can be relatable to them. I believe that is definitely an attention grabber which could be my pre. Having a positive an enthusiastic attitude is also a plus to getting your students excited about reading. Another pre I would practice is discussing with my class what they think will happen just from looking at the cover of the book, I want their imaginations to start thinking even before we start reading.

During the process of reading the selected book I would also have a Book Box created for our book, and bring out the different characters from the book, so that they can make a connection with the characters presented physically in front of them to those in the book. I would also come to stopping points during my reading and again ask the class questions about what we have read so far and what they think will happen.

Once we are done reading for my post activities I plan on bringing these characters to life by allowing them to be involved in my other subjects, some how I would involve them in my science, social studies, and maybe even math. Maybe ask them if we were reading "If you give a Mouse a Cookie", during math time I could ask my students "How would the mouse solve this problem?" During writing time I would allow my students to empathize with the characters, and if any characters in the book were in trouble or needed help, I would ask my students how they would help, and how they could make a difference, and allow them to express that in their writing. Not only are they practicing their writing skills but also utilizing their social studies skills.

These strategies will definitely help students, because the reading needs to be implemented as much as possible. The students will have a better understanding of the events that took place in the reading by practicing a pre, during, and post. If done effectively and continually this will help them in the future.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my blog if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know, I hope everyone has a blessed weekend.

Thank you,
Iris L. Garcia